Sun., 19.6.2022, 14.00
A Landscape
Guided Tour through the urban trail and inauguration
of the Monument for Lucius Burckhardt
Prof. Helmut Holzapfel, Traffic scientist and companion of Lucius Burckhardt
Prof. Renèe Tribble, Lehrstuhl für Städtebau, TU Dortmund
ZK/U, Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin
Markus Ambach, MAP and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Blücherstraße 22, 34123 Kassel
Duration 2 hours
Wed., 6.7.2022, 14.00
A Landscape, Guided Tour through the urban trail
With Markus Ambach and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Unterneustadt, 14.00 h
Wed., 27.7.2022, 16.00
A Landscape, Guided Tour through the urban trail
With Markus Ambach and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Unterneustadt, 16.00 h
Wed., 27.7.2022, 19.00
How to SoLaWi
A visit to SOLAWI Gärtnerei Fuldaaue
with discussion, grill and campfire
Arndtstr. 14, 34123 Kassel, 19.00 h
Wed., 31.8.2022, 14.00
A Landscape
Guided Tour through the urban trail
With Markus Ambach and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Unterneustadt, 14.00 h
Wed., 31.8.2022, 20.00
Zeit der Steine
An open air concert with the legendary band
around singer and songwriter Mike Euler
Hosted by: MAP and ZK/U
Hiroshima-Ufer, venue from “citizenship”, ZK/U, 20.00 h
Wed., 21.9.2022, 18.00
A landscape local knowledge farewell
Gettogether with all projectpartners and guests
Food, Drinks, Music
Blüchergarten, Blücherstraße / Ecke Jahnstraße, 18.00 h
Thurs., 22.9.2022, 10.00
A Landscape
Guided Tour through the urban trail
With Markus Ambach and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Unterneustadt, 10.00 h
Thurs., 22.9.2022, 14.00
Speculative Futures
urban Forum
Exchanging practices and perspectives on Kassel Ost future
with experts, students, local protagonists and urban planners
Hosted by: Renée Tribble with MAP and ZK/U
Fridericianum, 14.00 h
Fri., 23.9.2022, 14.00
A Landscape, Last guided Tour through the urban trail
With Markus Ambach and local protagonists
Starting point: Ahoi, Unterneustadt, 14.00 h
Ein Projekt von
mit Renée Tribble/TU Dortmund
und den Initiativen von Kassel Ost